Solar Eclipse | New Moon

Solar Eclipse | New Moon

Solar Eclipse with New Moon in Leo: August 21, 2017

Are you guys ready for new found clarity, drive, and passion to arise? Take actions! Bring all your hard work to fruition, keep moving forward, and refrain from looking back. So many wonderful energies around us, some may feel intense, and others less than welcomed. The time has arrived to transform, shift, and leave behind what no longer serves our higher conscious self. The charismatic Leo energies, combined with the beautiful New Moon, will finally open up old, persistent roadblocks which hindered our own personal growth for decades. You asked and the Universe is granting your wishes, make this powerful time count, send blessings and remain in gratitude.

Our new journey is fueled by our own personal powers of  positive thinking, love, and abundant flow. Let’s take our intentions to the next level, as they are the foundation to what’s to come, as we understand the “Laws of Cause and Effect”, we also understand how we must take accountability for our past choices which shaped our present. Every choice has a consequence, let’s make better choices now for a better future. Forgive the past, forgive yourself, move forward with a thankful and graceful heart.

This August 21 eclipse occurs near the fixed star Regulus, one of the four royal ancient stars of Persia. The fall of important leaders or statesmen must be factored in with this star near the eclipse.”

Astrology is a deep knowledge of the Stars, Planets, which explain our personality and life events. I love The Pele Report by Kaypacha, he’s funny, knowledgeable, not to mention inspiring. My hopes are to meet him one day soon. He’s just amazing, take a look for yourself! There are no better times to learn, it’s never too late, and NOW is the time to positively impact our future years.

May this Total Solar Eclipse help you and your loved ones set focused intentions for home life, relationships, and business. Allow this time to bring forth and uncover truths, let’s shine this energetic light and dissolve all shadows that have casted such darkness in our life.

Thank you for stopping, may you be filled with loving blessings, positive vibes, and infinite abundance!


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